
Bodybuilding books for beginners
Bodybuilding books for beginners

When people came to Vince’s Gym, Vince would discuss their goals, briefly explain his procedures and ask if they had health problems, were on medication or had any other problems that might interfere with their training. Muscles increase in size only when overload training is combined with the correct types and quantities of foods. Some people can get tendon strength with little or no increase in muscle size. Strength, he explained, doesn’t always result in bigger muscles, at least not right away. The additional weight’overload’makes new demands on the body, which results in its overcompensating to prepare for future bouts of muscular effort. Start with light weights, and as you grow stronger, you’ll be able to add more weight to the exercises. One bit of information that Vince used to impart to every beginner was to train in a progressive manner according to the rules of overload training. Gironda’s philosophy was that if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it. They continue to love the exercises they’re doing, get a good pump, increase strength and maintain a steady growth pattern. Conversely, some trainees, because of their high level of dedication and enthusiasm, can stay with a routine for a year or more and still have no reason to change. Vince would change their routines more frequently. Some superfit individuals adapt to an exercise within three workouts. After that he’d advise them to stay at three sets per exercise for six months, changing the exercises to maintain enthusiasm, prevent boredom and work the muscles from different angles. For week four he’d switch them to a three-times-a-week schedule, with at least a day of rest between workouts. The second week it was six workouts again, with two sets of each exercise, and for the third week the sets increased to three for each exercise. He had them train six days in a row, using only one set of each exercise the first week. His reasoning was that beginners are usually so ambitious and keen to progress that they prefer to train daily.

bodybuilding books for beginners

Instead, Vince advised beginners to exercise daily’resting only on Sunday. Gironda believed that a beginner doesn’t need a day of rest between workouts. For example, most authorities would recommend that a beginner train three times a week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday), employing a system of three sets of 10 repetitions, using eight to 10 exercises. His methods of training neophytes were unique, differing greatly from other so-called experts and gym owners. Vince actually spent far more time and effort advising beginners than any other single category of weight trainees. Consequently, many people assumed that he imparted his training wisdom only to advanced bodybuilders.

bodybuilding books for beginners

Bodybuilding legends Larry Scott, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sergio Oliva, Freddy Ortiz, Mohamed Makkawy, Don Howorth, Reg Lewis, John Tristram, Don Peters, Pete Caputo and many other title winners were helped and guided by Gironda.

bodybuilding books for beginners

Vince Gironda personally trained more bodybuilding champions than any other physique trainer in the world.

Bodybuilding books for beginners